Materiality Analysis
Determine the double materiality for your company.

The materiality analysis and the inclusion of stakeholders is the first crucial step on the path to your own sustainability strategy. Our 100% quantitative approach makes you CSRD compliant. And it reduces your reporting effort by up to 50%. From the outset, set the right goals and measures for your sustainability initiatives based on your essential topics.

Software for materiality analysis. Dual materiality. Materiality according to ESRS. Materiality matrix.
Materiality matrix with double materiality and stakeholder analysis
Our successful customers
Our double materiality solution at a glance:
  • Double materiality according to CSRD and ESRS criteria
  • Determination of financial materiality (outside-in)
  • Determination of the impact materiality (inside-out)
  • Communication and stakeholder engagement
  • High quality through quantitative approach
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This is what you receive as part of our materiality analysis

Your individual materiality matrix

CSRD-compliant matrix to meet dual materiality along all key ESG action areas according to ESRS.

Your Impact Materiality

Evaluate your impact on the environment and people along the ESRS fields of action and their subject areas.

Your financial materiality

Calculate of your corporate financial risk along the ESRS fields of action and their topics.

Involvement of your stakeholders

Stakeholder matrix with the key stakeholder groups and tool for digital stakeholder surveys.

Materiality in report format

Materiality matrix along the key stakeholder groups and fields of action.

High quality & effective implementation

Field-proven quantitative methodology and thus accuracy as well as conformity to CSRD.

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How materiality analysis works

With our materiality analysis solution including stakeholder survey, we take you step by step to your reportable materiality matrix. Rely on our field-tested quantitative method.


Online call

In a half-hour conversation, we clarify the organizational framework conditions and the status quo of your sustainability management together with you.



Our sustainability experts determine the impact and financial materiality together with your team, and at the same time prepare the contents for the stakeholder analysis.


Extensive documentation of results

Upon completion of the workshop, you will receive a comprehensive results for further use.


Presentation of results

Together with you, we discuss the workshop results and specifically address your questions and comments. In addition, you will receive a recommendation which ESRS criteria should be reported. Nicely listed.


Stakeholder analysis

After the workshop, we start directly with the involvement of your stakeholder groups. Together with you, we define the process and timeframe and handle the analysis via our tool.


Final presentation

In our final presentation, we enhance your materiality matrix with the results of the stakeholder survey and provide you with concrete recommendations on how you can implement key figure collection and reporting based on your materiality and stakeholder analysis.
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You have the questions. We have the answers.

Does the materiality and stakeholder analysis of cubemos cover the requirements of the CSRD?
Yes, the solution is fully compliant with the requirements of the CSRD, which are demanded for determining the essential fields of action. The requirements of dual materiality (Impact + Financial Materiality) are fully addressed and covered.
How does the stakeholder analysis work in detail?
The workshop lasts approximately five hours. The workshop results will be available in report form one to two business days after the workshop is completed. At this point, the online survey of stakeholder groups can also begin. The company should keep this open continuously and evaluate it quarterly.
How long does the stakeholder analysis take?
The inclusion of stakeholders through the online survey can be individually designed. The duration largely depends on the stakeholder groups to be surveyed and the chosen methodology. We usually recommend giving the stakeholders at least two months to answer the questions. After the successful completion of the stakeholder survey, the results analysis will be available within five business days.
Is a materiality analysis helpful even if my company does not have to report CSRD?
Yes, the materiality analysis is helpful even independently of an existing reporting obligation. The materiality analysis always represents the starting point for developing any sustainability strategy. It reveals the topics in the fields of Environmental, Social, and Governance that are relevant for your company and your stakeholders. It allows you to recognize your own risk profile at a glance and thus helps you to derive suitable targets and measures to mitigate risks and seize opportunities. In addition, the materiality analysis also provides the basis for solid ESG KPIs. With our solution, you can also continuously involve your internal and external stakeholders in the strategy process.

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