ESG Compliance

Immediately find out which legal regulation applies to your company:

Check CSRD, EU taxonomy, supply chain due diligence law (LkSG) and more now.

Simple, online and free of charge.

Start now
Blue EU flags as a symbol of EU regulation supported by cubemos .
Our successful customers

This is how it works:

1. answer questionnaire

Simple, online, fast: Our online questionnaire takes less than 5 minutes of your time.

2. recommendation received

You will then receive a recommendation for action tailored to your company.

3. make decision

Do not feel obligated to do anything and decide for yourself whether you want to take advantage of our recommendation.

1. answer questionnaire

Simple, online, fast: our questionnaire takes less than 5 minutes of your time.

2. recommendation received

You will then receive a recommendation for action tailored to your company.

3. make decision

Do not feel obligated to do anything and decide for yourself whether to take advantage of our recommendation.

What our customers say

At cubemos, we interact with our customers every day. Here's what they say about us and their experience with our sustainability software:

cubemos makes implementing our sustainability management simpler, more transparent, and certified - all centralized in one software.

Esther Donatz - CEO. Client of cubemos.
Esther Donatz

Cubemos helps us as an SME to integrate sustainability effectively and purposefully into the company.

Stefan Weigel Managing Director of wolfcraft and customer of cubemos.
Stefan Weigel
Managing Director

cubemos' system is as intuitive to use as WhatsApp.

Reto Riesen. AVAG Sustainability Manager and customer of cubemos.
Reto Riesen
Division Manager Safety, Quality and Environment