Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)

The Corporate Carbon Footrpint (CCF) refers to the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions along the entire value chain of a company within a certain period of time.

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Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)


Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)

For companies, there are two different ways of looking at a greenhouse gas balance: The Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) as a company-related approach and the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) as a product-related approach.

The CCF refers to the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions along the entire value chain of a company within a certain period of time. It refers to the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases released directly into the atmosphere as a result of the company's activities. In addition, it also refers to the greenhouse gas emissions that are released indirectly as a result of the company's activities. This can include emissions resulting from the company's use of energy, transportation, production and waste products. The CCF is an essential part of a company's commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and thus contribute to climate protection. Using the CCF, companies can create a management tool to determine their emissions and gradually reduce them.

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